
<a href=" Spider" class="display-item">Knotty Spider</a>

Knotty Spider

Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

This strangely shaped spider creates a silk similar to that made by mhoats, but at a much more rapid pace. Instead of forming layers of silk, knotty spiders instead spool out wet silk until it becomes a fine filament, meaning they are able to create a constant source of silk and actively weave it into a web. They are a popular pet among Mynrosians in the medical field since they can quickly form silk and weave out rolls of bandage, a high demand item that mhoats produce limited quantities of over the same period of time. Some enterprising Mynrosians have started to farm these spiders to collect large quantities of silk that can then be processed for other purposes such as bandages, fabric, paint, and so on. This new farming technique is still being established, so most of this produced silk is prioritized towards commodity use or luxury items, rather than being offered as a raw material in markets.


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